EFT, Allergy, MCS Links

The official site of EFT where you can download the EFT manual, watch short videos, and see what doctors and researchers have to say, all for free.

EFT Blog

Chemical Sensitivity Foundation


Inspiring MCS Recovery Stories

Els Valkenburg

Thilde Jensen

Monet Clark

Articles by Lisa

An Introduction to EFT for MCS

EFT for Coping with People who Don’t “Get” MCS

EFT for MCS Using Positive Choices


The Organic Consumers Association provides a free newsletter called Organic Bytes. It features information on the role of organics both in personal health and protecting the environment. It also helps you get connected with activism resources promoting sound healthcare and environmental policy.

EFT, Allergy, and Nutrition Books

Intro to EFT Books

General EFT Books

A shorter version of The EFT Manual is available for free download at EFTuniverse.com, the EFT homepage. However, for many people it’s worth it to have a bound, printed copy and get the full version.

EFT Books for Specific Issues

Allergy, Chemical Sensitivity, and Mold Illness Books

The Science Behind Tapping

Health Books

Nutrition Books

Diabetes Books

Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease Books



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